Un accidente increíble: el estrella de los Red Sox falleció en un accidente de automóvil.

Un accidente increíble: el estrella de los Red Sox falleció en un accidente de automóvil.

Alex Cora, manager of the Boston Red Sox, has a few months left on his deal. Although the Red Sox haven’t said if they intend to fire the captain, Cora is aware of his influence within the front office.

Cora seems to share the recent shift of opinion among supporters that his team has a chance to pull off something significant. He backed Rafael Devers following his preseason remarks regarding Boston’s needs as a team, and now he has indicated he wants the front office to purchase before the trade deadline.

Cora also brought up the Sox’s prior trade deadline exploits. He expressed what supporters had been feeling for a long time.

To be very honest, we didn’t improve, you know? While the teams around us improved, we stayed the same.” Cora stated.

“I am aware that we have been discussing the wild card and related topics. Let’s indulge our greed. You know, there are teams playing bad baseball ahead of us… We can keep playing this type of baseball, in my opinion.”

Red Sox Nation and Cora appear to be in agreement that if ownership is genuinely dedicated to winning, this is the moment to demonstrate it. The greatest chance to ensure Cora wears a Red Sox uniform for the foreseeable future could be to purchase at the trade deadline. It says volumes about his confidence in his players.

Craig Breslow, chief baseball officer, responded to Cora’s remarks on “The Greg Hill Show,” which aired on WEEI on June 27. Breslow left room for speculation, but his ideas could portend another poor deadline performance.

“I think what we focus on right now is the fact that we’ve got a number of players who are playing incredibly well, who are making progress, guys like Duran and Devers and Wong and Houck who should be All-Stars,” Breslow stated. “I think it’s a really exciting brand of baseball that we’re playing that our fans have embraced, so I’m excited for that to continue and I think the rest of us are as well.”

The Red Sox might be back to their.500 ways by the trade deadline, which is still more than a month away. Breslow did, however, stress that Boston’s current roster is doing well, which is eerily similar to the front office’s offseason strategy of not making any big moves or additions.

Red Sox supporters are fed up with rebuilds and seeing American League clubs succeed while Boston remains uninspired. Cora concurs, but she is less certain that the front office will make the proper decision in light of Breslow’s remarks.

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