five star player announce his retirement…

five star player announce his retirement…


What we know about the Los Angeles Rams' COVID-19 outbreak

When Los Angeles Rams head coach Sean McVay appeared on the Green Light podcast, Chris Long questioned him about the team’s success in 2023 following their bye week, going 7 and 1 to end the regular season and secure a Wild Card berth in the playoffs.

Sean McVay Tells How 2023 Made Him Fall Back in Love With Coaching
According to McVay, he rekindled his love for coaching and this past season was “probably my most rewarding season as a coach.”

McVay didn’t hide from the conflict, which existed on the field as well as within the Rams organization during the 2022 season.

“In 2022, amidst the abundance of positive events occurring here, I became a little lost.” I was truly exposed by that. Although the outcomes weren’t what we had hoped for, I was forced to face my weaknesses and some of my insecurities because I had been exposed. I’m far better off, but I’m by no means flawless. When you remark, “You’re actually thinking about not coaching anymore?” after that 22-game season “What on earth is wrong with you?” I said.

“But in the middle of the good stuff happening, you lost your purpose and perspective, so those were real things.”


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